Welcome to the digital realm of Anora Runeheart!

Oooh, a visitor! Hello, and welcome to my realm!

This is my second website/first original website! I'm going for a digital and nostalgic/retro vibe, as I tend to be obsessed with video games, v-pets, and, well, pretty much anything from my childhood, a.k.a. the 90's. Planned projects for this website are: designing my own layout and assets, adding various image galleries (photos, art, etc.), and fan projects (fan art, music remixes, etc) of my favorite childhood franchises. I also want to try to create an explorable map of my digital realm in the style of a retro video game for you all to enjoy. I am suuuper excited about the map, as I already have plenty of ideas for it!

~The playable character of my prototype GBC game!~

Anyhoo, I am still new to website building, so it may be quite a while before my website is finished. Please bear with me until then, and I promise this will eventually become a fun place that you all will enjoy!

----------SITE UPDATES----------

SEP 07, 2024: I became a Neocities supporter today so I could do a bit more with my websites! I will be spending some time moving my fansite from my other Neocities account to this one, then I plan on starting on a third website. The new website is for me to share my artwork and other original creations without restrictions (heck you, social media!). I did originally plan on sharing those creations here, but I decided I wanted to just stick with a retro/digital theme for this website instead, so I will be deleting some of my pages once I make my new website. The ones I want to delete are empty anyways, so nothing is being lost.

I also want to start sharing stop-motion videos created via my Nintendo 3DS here! The GIF under this section was the only one I ever made (though I had to convert it so I could share it here), but I gave it some thought, and I think stop-motion videos would be a fun addition to this website. I don't have a program for adding music and sound effects at the moment, so my first several videos will be silent, but I don't mind if any of you want to add your own! And if you do... maybe consider sharing it so I can see?


SEP 04, 2024: I'm back! I haven't done any actual updates to my site yet, but I do have something kinda neat planned that I can start on Saturday, that also involves my other website/Neocities account... which I just realized I never added a link to. Oops... I'm doing some major changes to it at the moment, so I won't be sharing the link now, but I will say I'm super excited for what I have planned for it!

I'm also going to be making some changes to this website this weekend! I won't say what just yet, as I'm not a big fan of spoilers, but it's something else I'm rather excited for! I'm also hoping it will make it easier for me to stick to my original plans for this website...

Anyways, I hope you all are having a wonderful day, and, if all goes well, I will update again sometime this weekend or early next week to share what I did with both websites!


AUG 23, 2024: Gonna take a break from working on my website to work on some long overdue projects for a while.


AUG 10, 2024: I changed my site url and kinda broke everything *sweats* I'm fixing it now.


AUG 8, 2024: Got my very first prototype game listed on my Homebrew Game Library page, under Experiments! It's not exactly a bit site update, nor have I actually did anything else outside of adding links to it, but I figured this was interesting enough news to share.

And now, a silly video from my Nintendo 3DS, in GIF form!